Tublet Korea’s Personal Information Processing Policy

The Company complies with the Personal Information Protection Act, the Communication Secret Protection Act, the Telecommunication Business Act, and the Information Network Promotion and Information Protection Act. The Company establishes and discloses the following personal information processing policy in order to protect the personal information of the data subject and to quickly and smoothly deal with related difficulties.

Article 1 [Purpose of processing personal information]

The Company processes personal information for the following purposes.

  1. Personal information is processed for the purpose of identifying members and using membership services, preventing illegal use and unauthorized use of defective members, identifying individuals, confirming their intention to join, age checking, handling complaints, and delivering notices.
  2. We process personal information for the purpose of performing contracts for service provision and providing paid payment and settlement contents, purchasing and payment, self-certification, delivery, or delivery of goods.
  3. Use marketing and advertising for developing and specializing new services (products), delivering advertising information such as events, providing services and publishing advertisements according to demographic characteristics, identifying access frequencies, or handling personal information.
  4. Identification of civil petitioners handling grievances, confirmation of civil petitions, contact and notification for fact-finding, and notification of the results of processing.
  5. Personal information is processed for the purpose of limiting the number of subscriptions, preserving records for dispute settlement, and calculating other statistical data.

Article 2 [Personal Information Items to Collect]

① The Company collects the following personal information for membership, counseling, service provision, etc., and the user may refuse to collect personal information.

② During the membership registration process, the Company prepared a procedure for users to select  “agree” or “disagree” on the contents of personal information collection and consent according to the Company’s terms of use and personal information handling policy, and if “agree”, is selected, it agrees to collect personal information.

  1. Membership registration and member management

    • Mandatory items: ID, password, name, date of birth, personal identification information (select mobile phone number or e-mail address), legal representative information (name, phone number) if a member is under 14 years of age

    • Optional items: nickname, profile picture, gender, address, phone number, or e-mail address

    • SNS membership

  2. Kakao Talk

    (required) nickname, email, profile information, phone number, date of birth, gender, encrypted user confirmation value

    (optional) shipping address information

  3. Google

    (required) name, email, profile picture

    (optional) school information, grade

  4. Kakao Talk

    (required) nickname, email

    (optional) profile picture, school information, grade

  5. Facebook

    (required) Name, mobile number, email (select for phone number members)

  6. Naver

    (required) Email

    (optional) Profile picture, school information, grade